Sunday, March 29, 2009

Chasing Power

I am essentially as far from politics as possible to imagine. However, unfortunately for me, my country holds a very deeply respected position in my mind. And because politics is an integral part of the functioning of my country, it becomes necessary to have an opinion. Thankfully, I do have my opinion.

Just last night, while watching the news with my father, I saw Laalu Prasad Yadav say to NDTV's news reader, that this is a permanent alliance, and we are not after power or position. We just want to benefit India. This struck a chord somewhere in my head. Have you ever heard any politician say that he/she is not after power and position?

I have. So many times! How can politicians not be after power and position!? Then what could they possibly want from being in politics?? It's very shocking. And no, I'm not being sarcastic. I mean it. Just that, it's a case of gross misunderstanding.

According to me, every politician should be after power and position. In the reverse order. With position, comes power, and with that, the ability to CHANGE things. What politicians see as "power" is nothing but bullying. All they do is MIS-use their "power". I was just thinking, if I ever had to be a politician, I would have fought like crazy, campaigned like mad, JUST to get that position which would bring the power to me. The power to CHANGE things. To change the way children are made to beg and work at a tender age when they should be studying. The way people take the judicial system for granted, and how they presume that they can get away scott free after breaking the law. The way even Government officials take the law lightly. The way in which honest workers are neglected and pushed to suicidal acts. My idea is, when you have the power, instead of just sitting on a leather sofa that has probably been made from the hide of some poor animal, the person should use the time for which he has the power. This POWER I talk of, is something like a magical gift. It's a gift that's given to a "selected" bunch of people, whom we call, the 'ELECTED' bunch of people.

Those few who use this gift for the betterment of their folks, by which I mean, their fellow humans, they're the ones who are worth the test of time. They are the ones who can be entrusted with the gift of power.
I really would fight. For that power. To take it from those who have only ignored its real capabilities. To snatch it away from those who underestimate the consequences of misusing it. I think I would make an unfit politician. For there is only one cause I would passionately fight for. Wildlife and the Environment. To be a political leader, you must be passionate about all causes that need to be attended to , and fight and struggle endlessly, with dedication, and truthfulness. I would be passionate about just that one cause. Which would be unfair to the position, and that power.

That's probably why I chose a line that keeps me directly involved with JUST Wildlife and Environment. I know I have the brains, I know I have the zeal that if I even enter another field, I will do well. But unfortunately, not the passion. I would love to see my country progress. And frankly, up until its people have not become non-corrupt, self-less, thinkers, progress seems a light year away. I dont know how long a light year is. I just know it's very long! You cannot have progress in a country where the people, and their elected leaders, are all selfish, money hungry morons. If that was what was needed to be a good human being, George Bush would really have been a great person. :)

Unfortunately, for a lot of folks, you need much more to be a responsible progressive Indian. The people make a country. The people ELECT their represntatives. But why do we forget, that they are not God-sent miracles on Earth? They are JUST that. Representatives. They are humans. They need not be treated like VIPs. They are NOT! It's ridiculous when stretches of roads are blocked, all because one kickass politician is passing by. So? A lot of other COMMON people are also passing by. Do you block roads for them? No you dont. And yes, all politicians who think they're big shots because they are so capable, should really look down the ladder, and see the people who got them there. The people who were tricked into putting their faith in him. And were mercilessly let down. Happens every year. Every day. But that doesnt mean it SHOULD!

It's really sad, that the common man has forgotten that without him, these politicians are NOTHING. The COMMON people of India are the people who GIVE the politicians their power and position! If they didnt elect, if they didnt vote, those big shots would become big shots. Vote.. that's one massive issue. Which I will not be addressing right now. It's just that my mind's doing double takes and working over time to understand WHY a politician would even say that its not power he wants!

If I were a politician, I would say, I WANT POWER. and that is what I will fight for. Because, every day we see examples, of how people without power can do nothing, make no difference. Every day I am told, you dont have the authority to do this and for formality sake, "madam" is added in the end, to dismiss me and my issue. So, sorry folks! I want my power. I want the "authority" to change what people before me, did not, could not, and would not do.
Strange really.. how people fall for things that are wrapped in gift wrapping paper, all shiny and glittery. But they dont once think, that what's inside, could poison them. We can't play the blame game anymore. Because like Rahul Gandhi said (something I really liked.. which STILL means Im very far from politics, because I know nothing of it and I dont support the Congress.. Relax), "I want to open the doors of politics to the youth, to the younger people who can make a difference."

Now that's smart! You really think a chap who's 84, or 78, or 69, can make a difference?? Old people, their ideologies, their ways of dealing with issues, are about a CENTURY old! Get real! We need a younger lot of political leaders. Look at Barack Obama! You cant always curse America. Sometimes, you need to give America credit for the good things it does. Their President Obama, is just an example. There are a lot of other young leaders around the world, but because I dont read, or know about world or Indian politics, I wouldnt know them! All I know is, we need change. And fast. Because I really am tired of waking up to read SMSs exclaiming about bomb blasts somewhere. We need change because terrorists have the audacity to barge into our homes and shoot us down. We need change because climate change is a MASSIVE issue and our political leaders far from KNOW of it. We need change because the illegal wildlife trade has India as a major contributor. We need change because our backbone, our farmers, are killing themselves every day due to frustration. Point is? We need? CHANGE!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wish you were here..

One of those "low" phases. When all friends are either busy, or so far away that you can lose count of the kilometers between you. And at times when you realize you need the best of them around you, with you, circumstances and that miscreant called Life are conspiring and trying their best to keep your friends away from you.
One of those times when you're literally "all by yourself" and have to deal with whatever comes alone. Without faltering , without shaking your confidence. You've to deal with situations with immense patience and use your brain while convincing your heart that you will see better times ahead. A few months ago, I would have been the person to not do any of this patience stuff. I guess, the way people have behaved, over the last few months have made me realize that it only helps to have patience built within. Sometimes, it can be a surprising weapon. When no one expects you to show patience regarding something, and you miraculously do, its called the "element of surprise".
But anyway, every time you think that may be, just may be, life's going to start being fair from now on, and that you can finally make concrete plans for the next 2months.. one little change in your "schedule" comes in the picture and subsequently ruins your entire plan... your hopes and your dream of being , finally, with the people you love and in the places you love. There are no Angels, no Miracles, no God is here to help you out of this. To hoist you out of this deep deep well of silent frustration, there is no knight in shining armor, or any armor!! There is absolutely no one who can reverse some things that happen. And they keep you away from the people, places, and things you love the most. And there is NOTHING you can do, except sit and mope around, and crib about it, OR lock yourself in the bathroom for 2hours and just look into your own eyes in the mirror and believe in yourself. Believe in the possibility that you can and will make it out of this. This situation, that to the world, is so trivial, but to you, means the world.
This stupid turn of events, that you never did foresee, but it came anyway, unexpected, like a void in your life. And to stop it from making your life and you feel empty, and like an outcast, all you can do, is ... be patient. Believe. Believe. and Believe.
In yourself. In your own statement , that - "the only one with the power to bring change to my life and my mission and passion, should be and always will be, ONLY me!" And to throw this line in the face of Destiny , and without a slang word or a feisty Karate kick, just walk away.
Thing is, it really doesn't help, if, through all of this, your friends aren't with you... those of them who can understand the situation, those of them who are capable of making you feel alive and remain yourself in the face of adversity, they're just not here... and that's when you add to your playlist that song that was made for this situation.
This is when you find yourself listening to Pink Floyd's - Wish You Were Here... or Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World... over n over again. ... Wishing, that miraculously, somehow, those you wished for, might just land up beside you when you open your eyes.
Apparently not.. well anyway, at least you know that you're learning how to be patient, even though that volcano in you is boiling and raging within, covered with the lid of being alone.

This one's for you Dad... someone who's always been with me.. please come back.. After ages, I really need someone.